Prodigy Review| A sequel that blew me away


Title: Prodigy

Series: Legend series (second book)

Author: Marie Lu

Published: January 29th 2013

Publisher: Putnam Juvenile

Pages: 371

Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛

I wanted to write this review for a long time now. Let’s go. Today, I’m going to be reviewing Prodigy. It is the second book in the Legend series. Here is my review on the first book: Legend reviewBeware, my heart is broken in pieces so this review might be all over the place. You have been warned so let’s get started!


and i'm yours

Injured and on the run, it has been seven days since June and Day barely escaped Los Angeles and the Republic with their lives. Day is believed dead having lost his own brother to an execution squad who thought they were assassinating him.

June is now the Republic’s most wanted traitor. Desperate for help, they turn to the Patriots – a vigilante rebel group sworn to bring down the Republic. But can they trust them or have they unwittingly become pawns in the most terrifying of political games?

and i'm yours (1)

**Don’t read this review if you have not read the first book**

I want to start by saying that the second book was way better than the first one. If you read my first review, you know that I wasn’t really impressed by the book or by the characters. I thought it was interesting and entertaining but I was expecting something more because of the hype. I didn’t really get all the hype that was going around this book, but now I do. Yeah, I do!

To my surprise, in this book I actually liked June! I wasn’t too sure about her in the first one because she kind of made a mess of everything. She put Day in this mess and I didn’t know what to feel towards her (hate or love), but in this one! I love her!

The plot was so amazing! This book is seriously action-packed and I couldn’t ask for more. Not only did I fall in love with the characters all over again, but the plot was so gripping and I couldn’t put the book down. So many things happened that I can’t remember everything (which is why I made some notes)! Mind-blowing plot! I never suspected what was going to happen.

Overall, I absolutely loved this book and thought it was way better than the first book. And I can’t wait to read the next one! It was more than I anticipated and completely blew my mind! I really recommend it to everyone! I thought I was done with dystopian books but this one just brought me back in.

If you haven’t read the book, do not continue reading or you’ll be spoiled! But just read it, because it’s amazing!


Okay, let’s start at the beginning!

The book starts with Day having nightmares and my heart just broke for him. After all he lost, of course he would have nightmares and I just wish I was there to give him a hug. I wanted June and Day to talk about what they have been through and all, but that didn’t happen. But that’s alright.

In this book, I hated Tess. Anyone else? I didn’t mind her in the first book because she was Day’s friend and she didn’t do anything wrong, but in the second book, she started saying rude things about June. I finally started to like June and Tess was insulting her in her back which was totally not okay. Okay, maybe I don’t hate her, but she really annoyed me. I will always be on the Dune/Junay ship. Is that the name of the ship? There is no Tess. Even though they have more things in common, blah, blah, blah. And when Day said “I love you” to June!!! I was hyperventilating, but I have to admit it was kind of early to say those three words. And I was on cloud nine when June was sick and Day was taking care of her (not the sick part, poor june). And how Day trusted June even though he didn’t know her plan and protected the elector because June told him to. *sigh* Guess who has a new OTP?

So Day and June are with the patriots and have a plan to kill Anden, the new Elector. I was suspicious of the patriots even from the beginning. I had a feeling they were up to no good. And when June was saying how she thought they were suspicious, I knew they are the bad guys. I just didn’t realize that most of them were fooled by Razor. I just love when Day decided t trust Anden and tell everyone that they should trust the new elector into changing things.

I also want to know more about the world! It’s so fascinating how the world has changed in the book. The second book just opens up a whole different world. I mean, now Africa is a superpower! And Antarctica melted!!

As for Day, I absolutely refuse to admit that he might die in the next book. My  OTP is going to get a happily ever after! Please God!! I need to read the next book!!!!


My favorite scene has to be when Day came to save the day! He told everyone that they can trust Anden and also with the whole plane scene. It was just so emotional when I read his wonderful speech! I might have teared up.

Parts I have to talk about

  • The shower scene: When Day said I love you!! Do I really have to elaborate?
  • The interrogation scene between June and Thomas: It was such a tense moment and when I learned that Metias loved Thomas and arggg!!! I was really angry with Thomas, like even if you don’t love him back why do you have to kill him? He was your best friend who was always there for you.
  • The lying test: The interrogation where June had to tell the “truth”. And it was at that moment that my appreciation for June grew even more. She’s so smart but also super badass!
  • The whole scene where Day changes sides: When Day didn’t kill the elector and decided to protect him because June said so, it was so action-packed! The patriots were running everywhere!
  • Tess staying with the patriots: To be honest, I’m not even complaining…
  • Day taking care of June when she was sick
  • THE PLANE SCENE: It was EPIC!!! And R.I.P Kaede!
  • Day is dying!!!!! *sobs in a corner*
  • Day breaking up with June: I might have cried…

What did you think? Tell me in the comments.

Hi There!

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